Author Archives: Mel

Lavender essential oil calms little minds and bodies

💜 Lavender is good for so many things. You can add a few drops to some distilled water in a spritzer bottle and spray it around the home or classroom. ⁠ ⁠ 💜 You can drop a few drops onto a mosquito bite to soothe the sting ⁠ ⁠ 💜 Spray it around the car…

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Dear Mama, it’s perfectly OKAY to ask for help

When I was a young mother, I wanted to do everything myself. I thought I could. I didn’t want to bother others for help, especially since we lived in a different country when my children were really young. I didn’t have my own family around and I was reluctant to ask much help from my…

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Mindful Affirmations for Kids Book

Positive Affirmations help children learn to use their thoughts to support their mental and emotional well-being. ⁠⁠HAPPY THOUGHTS AND ME! Mindful Affirmations for Children is a brand new book we just released on Kindle with beautiful inclusive and diverse images of children from across the globe! ⁠⁠Help your child (and students) learn important core values…

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Validation and Great Parenting

Let’s talk VALIDATION and how it’s a parental game-changer. Everyone needs and longs to feel loved and validated, even the most self-confident people. But what is validation exactly and how can it drastically improve your relationships and help nurture that parental bond? Validation is the act of simply acknowledging feelings, thoughts and opinions and letting…

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More Ways to Help Your Child Manage Stress

Even children can use stress-relieving techniques to lower the stress of their daily lives. Visualization, taking to a friend, and guided meditation are all wonderful ways to help your little ones live happier lives.

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Quick Ways to Help your Child Manage Stress

As loving parents one of the best things we can give our kids is our time and validation for their thoughts and feelings. And in the same vein, we can teach them any of the following tools to help them navigate the stresses that they may feel every single day

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What is Children’s Guided Meditation?

Although meditation can consist of sitting still and quieting the intellectual mind, often by counting until your mind is very focused, with children’s meditation, we use a method called Guided Meditation. In Guided Meditation, a child is guided in what to imagine. These meditations are simple because all your child has to do is listen…

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mindful chores

Teaching Mindfulness Through Chores

When we are teaching children about mindfulness with chores, we can focus on the smell of the soap, the texture of the dishes, the warmth or coolness of the water. This creates a better experience of actually enjoying the moment of this concentrated awareness instead of being distracted and rushing through to get things done.

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summer activities

Summer Activities with your Child!

Learn how you can enjoy fun, wholesome activities to inspire you and your child this summer. We have included activities to connect, arts and crafts, nature and science and even things you can do on your backyard.

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