Author Archives: Mel

The Difference between Meditation and Hypnosis

Meditation, hypnosis, guided meditation, self-hypnosis: they seem to overlap and get confused quite easily. So what is the difference between them? Meditation, either guided or done by oneself, is when we enter an altered state of consciousness in order to connect with and explore our innermost being. It serves to train our mind to focus,…

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Vegan chocolate-covered frozen bananas

Make something YUMMY and HEALTHY today with the kids! ⁠ ⁠ These easy, frozen half bananasicles are delish! ⁠ ⁠ 🍌 Half the bananas⁠ ⁠ 🥢 Gently put a stick in one end⁠ ⁠ 🍫 Dip in chocolate sauce (you can make this with organic cocoa powder, melted coconut oil, a dash of vanilla extract,…

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Introduce Meditation to your Kids in just 5 minutes

Five minutes is all you need to introduce meditation and inner calm to your child! While there are a number of different kinds of mediations, one of the easiest to start with is a simple breathing exercise. Controlled breathing is a part of many meditative practices and as you develop more in your practice, you…

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Living with Gratitude

Gratitude. That vibration of pure thankfulness that wells up in our hearts that sometimes even brings tears to our eyes if we stay with it. ⁠⁠Gratitude changes everything. ⁠⁠Having a hard day? Gratitude.⁠⁠Struggling to make sense of something? Gratitude.⁠⁠Going through a challenging time? Gratitude.⁠⁠Gratitude doesn’t SOLVE all these things, but it reminds us how very…

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Introducing Meditation to your Child

Guided imagery is a fantastic way to introduce the power of relaxation and meditation into a child’s life. ⁠ ⁠ Starting as young as age three, you can read a guided relaxation adventure to your child before bed or as a quick CALM MOMENT in the classroom. Child therapists are using guided imagery more and…

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Be the example on your spiritual path

Sometimes we are so busy during the day that we forget the simple yet important practices that bring so much joy, peace and serenity. ⁠ ⁠ Even with all our busyness, it’s vital to remember the importance of our own personal spiritual path. After all, aren’t we here to grow spiritually, to become better in…

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How to Teach Kids to do Affirmations – Read Aloud⁠

Today let’s do some positive affirmations. ⁠⁠Affirmations are good things we say to ourselves that make us feel good inside and train our minds to think happy thoughts.⁠⁠You can use positive affirmations every day and you can even say them quietly to yourself many times a day. They are good for your mind and help…

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Mindfulness, Food & Gratitude

Mindful eating is simply paying attention to all aspects of the foods we choose to take into our bodies. From the origins and history of the food to the messages our bodies give when it comes to eating. Being mindful can be a powerful tool towards maintaining a healthy relationship with food, feeling good inside…

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Worry Bubble Blower Magic – Children’s Meditation 🎈

Close your eyes and take in a very deep breath. Pretend your tummy is a balloon and as you inhale, make that balloon as big as you can. Now, exhale it all out. Let’s do that again now… inhale fully and make the balloon any color you want. Now as you do this, allow your…

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