How to Teach Kids to do Affirmations – Read Aloud⁠

Today let’s do some positive affirmations. ⁠

Affirmations are good things we say to ourselves that make us feel good inside and train our minds to think happy thoughts.⁠

You can use positive affirmations every day and you can even say them quietly to yourself many times a day. They are good for your mind and help you to be happy every day. ⁠

If you ever feel sad or discouraged, you can immediately change your thinking by saying these good, happy thoughts to yourself. Suddenly, the dark clouds in your mind go away and the sunshine comes back again, and you feel great. ⁠

So, today I’d like you to listen to the positive affirmations I say, and then repeat them in your mind and really feel them in your heart. ⁠

Get comfortable and relaxed wherever you are, and let’s begin by taking in a few nice deep breaths and exhaling slowly. This calms our body and gets us prepared for a fantastic day. Very good. Another nice, deep breath, and then exhale very slowly. ⁠

Excellent. ⁠

Now, you can put your hand over your heart as you say these affirmations with me if you’d like. ⁠

So repeat these words after me. You can repeat them quietly if you prefer.

I am loveable. ⁠

I am nice. ⁠

I am kind. ⁠

I am helpful. ⁠

I am sincere. ⁠

I am truthful. ⁠

I show love and kindness to everyone. ⁠

I am patient with others, and with myself. ⁠

It’s ok if I make mistakes because I am still learning.⁠

It’s ok if others make mistakes sometimes because they are still learning too.⁠

Every day I make sure I put on a smile because it makes me happy inside. ⁠

Sharing makes me feel good. ⁠

I am a good person. ⁠

I know I can accomplish my dreams.”⁠

⁠And it’s as easy as that!