Introducing Meditation to your Child

Guided imagery is a fantastic way to introduce the power of relaxation and meditation into a child’s life. ⁠ ⁠ Starting as young as age three, you can read a guided relaxation adventure to your child before bed or as a quick CALM MOMENT in the classroom. Child therapists are using guided imagery more and more in the therapy office for improved mental health. ⁠ ⁠ Children begin to use the mental tools readily available to each one of us through guided imagery. It helps them deal with anxieties, manage stress and keep self-esteem vibrant. ⁠ ⁠ Through regular practice, children begin to understand that the way in which we perceive things outwardly⁠ is simply a manifestation of our inner thought processes. 😍⁠ ⁠

Children easily learn to shift focus to achieve a⁠ desired result – a skill many of us wish we would have learned sooner. Equally important, children will find calm and inner peace as we guide them to look within. This leads to a natural yearning to revisit often and explore their inner world through the wonderful gift of meditation.⁠ ⁠

🌟 You can find MANY written KIDS GUIDED MEDITATIONS in my book “Guided Imagery Work with Kids” published by Norton Publishers in NYC and available for purchase on Amazon. 🌟⁠ ⁠

This book was specially designed for professionals, therapists, school counselors, teachers and parents who want to learn the power of implementing guided imagery and meditation in the classroom, therapist office and at home. ⁠